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Palomar Mountain Real Estate
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Palomar Mountain
Market Summary

Palomar Mountain's Population and Demographics: The average home value for Palomar Mountain, CA in {MonthYear} was {ALP} which is {UpDownALP} from the previous month by {ALPDA} or {ALPDP}. The average days on market for the same time period was {ADOM}, {UpDownADOM} by {ADOMA} or {ADOMP}. The Palomar Mountain, CA market currently has approximately {CountResi} residential homes for sale, {CountRental} properties available for rent and {CountVML} vacant land or lots ready for new construction. The average price per square foot in Palomar Mountain, CA is Infinity. The average home in Palomar Mountain, CA as 1.50 bedrooms, 1.50 bathrooms, and is approximately 867sq.ft.