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Primm Springs
Market Summary

Primm Springs's Population and Demographics: The average home value for Primm Springs, TN in {MonthYear} was {ALP} which is {UpDownALP} from the previous month by {ALPDA} or {ALPDP}. The average days on market for the same time period was {ADOM}, {UpDownADOM} by {ADOMA} or {ADOMP}. The Primm Springs, TN market currently has approximately {CountResi} residential homes for sale, {CountRental} properties available for rent and {CountVML} vacant land or lots ready for new construction. The average price per square foot in Primm Springs, TN is {APPSF}. The average home in Primm Springs, TN as {ABeds} bedrooms, {ABath} bathrooms, and is approximately {ASF}sq.ft.